Infor LN

Power your complex manufacturing operations with Infor LN - Infor’s premier ERP solution designed for multi-site, global businesses.

Overview of Infor LN

Infor LN is a world-class ERP solution crafted to address the intricate needs of complex, global manufacturers. Offering end-to-end operational visibility, it enhances productivity, streamlines supply chains, and empowers data-driven decision-making to propel your business forward.

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Services we Offer

Global Operational Visibility

Gain complete visibility into your multi-site, global operations.

Supply Chain Excellence

Achieve superior supply chain performance with integrated management tools.

Efficient Production

Enhance productivity with streamlined production processes.

Quality Assurance

Ensure superior product quality with robust quality control systems.

Strategic Insights

Harness data analytics for strategic, informed decision-making.


Adapt and scale in response to your business growth.

Global Operational Management

Infor LN offers complete visibility and control over your multi-site, global operations. This enables seamless coordination, efficient resource allocation, and swift response to changes, leading to improved productivity and profitability.

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Data-Driven Decision Making

Harness the power of insightful analytics and reporting to understand your business performance in real-time. With Infor LN, you can make strategic, informed decisions that align with your long-term business goals.

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Request a Consultation for your Infor LN needs

If you need an opinion, sparring partner or expert to discuss your ideas and challenges, we are here.