Cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systemsare the latest trend in the business world. Unlike traditional ERP systems thatare hosted on locally installed servers, cloud-based systems are hosted in thecloud and accessed via the internet.
Swiss worldmarket leader expands pioneering role with CSIE
Well-known companies such as the Swiss Regloplas AG arealso migrating to the cloud. The world market leader for intelligenttemperature control solutions already went live with Infor CloudSuite IndustrialEnterprise (CSIE) last year. Infor CSIE is a comprehensive cloud-based solutiondesigned specifically for manufacturing companies. It offers flexibility andreal-time data, so you can respond quickly to changes in the business withoutextensive customisation. You can quickly add additional users, features andmodules to support the growth of your business and optimise business processesfor new requirements.
In addition, Infor CSIE is cost-efficient because itreduces IT infrastructure management and maintenance expenses. This aspect isparticularly interesting for small and medium-sized companies.
For Regloplas, the high scalability of CSIE wasdecisive, as their CEO, Christian Eckert, says: "We want to expand ourpioneering role in the field of Industry 4.0 even further and digitise ourmanufacturing in a highly scalable way. And in Infor we have found the perfectpartner, who can provide us with the ideal technological underpinning for thiswith its CloudSuite.”
Read the full article here.
Equipped for Work 4.0
Another advantage of CSIE is its high mobility. Nomatter via which end device - you can work and access your business data fromanywhere. This means you are equipped for Work 4.0 and can enable youremployees to work remote and organise their working hours more flexibly. Ifcompanies and teams are spread across different time zones, working hoursoutside of the classic "9 to 5" are even necessary.
Our consultants have gained extensive practicalexperience with the implementation and operation of CSIE in various businessareas. Therefore, they can ensure that the system is quickly and effectivelyintegrated into our clients' business processes. Our consultants also supportexisting customers by continuously optimising the performance of CSIE to ensurethat they get the most out of their system.